Many companies have begun to embrace the simple, yet powerful concept of internet marketing and have adopted into their normal marketing actions. Nordstrom is a perfect, direct example of a company that is seeking to reap the benefits that internet marketing has to offer. One visit to their site, as well as related topic sites such as clothing blogs, will almost certainly win you over.

When visiting Nordstrom's website, you will immediately feel the strong, helpful customer service that the company is so well known for. Free shipping and free returns are clearly advertised well to make customers feel comfortable in making any online orders. Recommendations and rewards programs are also strategically placed for the benefit of interested and potential customers. Navigating the site and sorting choices / categories is a simple feat and I promise you will always know when there is a worthwhile sale going on at the store. And to top it all off, links to Nordstrom's social media sites can be easily followed at the bottom of their page.
What helps clinch Nordstrom's success in internet marketing is the companies placement of ads on other sites. Whether this be on Google or blogs, ads for Nordstrom will be shown, many times showing the items you may have been looking at on their website or recommended / related products. These ads work wonders at reminding customers of items they may not have fully followed through on purchasing or informing them of items they were interested in that are now on sale. It is internet marketing strategies like this that will continue to bring in more and more happy customers.