Fast Company Magazine puts out visually engaging magazines about ideas, design, technology, innovation and leadership. It's a business magazine that focuses on how new ways of thinking and creating are changing the world. And it's the magazine website I find myself visiting most often. Fast Company's internet marketing is super fly because of two things: 1) It markets itself brilliantly with images that pop and intrigue and that are accompanied by fresh, playful, intelligently written mini-articles. And 2) It markets thousands of other companies with its use of state-of-the-art cases of good business, positive innovation and brilliant marketing. I always wish I had more time to spend exploring their lexicon of examples of what makes business worth doing.
Below is a video I discovered on just this morning. It's an Expedia commercial entitled Find Your Understanding, the first within a series called Ads Worth Spreading - See the 10 Most World Changing Ads According to TED.
Here's a link to all 10 ads on
I separately came across the series: Infographic of the Day: A Daily Dose of Visual Thinking, also this morning, while researching good Facebook posts for my social media account. (I manage the Facebook page for This image was made with points of light, demonstrating the predominate 21 languages used to make Tweets in New York City from 2010-2013.
These are just two examples of how posts virus-worthy content. And they don't waste any time spreading their words and images on several social media platforms. They post numerous times a day on Facebook, Twitter (676K followers), StumbleUpon and Google+. They also host a LinkedIn page called LinkedInToday//FastCompany. This is my favorite post - in the past few days - on that one:
And here's a link to the full story:
Keep up the good work, Fast Company, and I'll try to make the time to read all 37 fresh articles that were posted on yesterday alone. Then I'll move on to today's stories, like this one:
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