Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Nike's New Narrative: We Can All Do It

Narrative is important in branding. It’s what connects consumers to a product or idea. It lets them put their selves in the shoes of the fictional character/buyer, experience what they experience and prompt a purchase or change in attitude. Narrative is the sum of experiences presented as story. Brands tell stories in many ways, the most direct being advertisements. 

Nike's brand storytelling never impressed me. Their ads always seemed to feature folks at the top of their game—their journey complete or so far along their narrative didn’t matter. Just their conclusion, i.e., physical triumphs, be they past or just on the horizon.Which for aspiring athletes or fitness buffs is great, but maybe not the best narrative for everyday folks trying to keep up with work, health and the intricacies of the day-to-day.

Nike finally told a story that impressed me, and it’s a message that resonates:

When I saw this ad for Nike products I thought to myself, yup, been there, done that. And it’s where everyone has been at at one point or other in their lives. It’s getting off the couch, picking up the phone, making the first step and initiating a journey. It’s starting a narrative, be it getting into better health, calling about a new career, or reconciling with a friend.

Nike finally showed us a beginning most can relate to, and we get the definite sense this kid’s journey is going to be long, arduous and undoubtedly painful. But he did it. He took that first step, and in showing that during the Olympics, Nike actually made me rethink their brand. Not as one of champions and winners, but as one where life-travelers, no matter their stripe, matter as much as proven winners and seasoned athletes, and the journey starts with just one step. One we can all take.

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