Monday, February 18, 2013

TV News - From Here to There (I know it's a week late!)

Once a monochrome newsman sat behind a desk reading from a piece of paper, now a colorful newswomen stands in front of a burning building.  The TV news has come a long way in my lifetime.

The most significant shift in news reporting  can be found in how the news content is determined.  In those black and white days, the TV news told you "what you need to know".  Today's news tells you what you want to see and hear.  This shift has changed news formatting from reporting basic events of the day, sports, and weather to a news magazine style with healthcare and consumer product stories, along with happy banter between newscasters.

Much like social media, control had shifted from the station management to viewers. Unlike social media, however, this shift to reporting what sells instead of what is important has reduced the credibility of the broadcast.  Where social media is a two way conversation, TV News broadcasting is not.  And therein lies what can be improved.   How can TV engage a real-time two-way conversation?

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