Monday, February 4, 2013

Campaign that Changed Consumer Behavior - I love NY

I Love NY - the FREE campaign that saved New York.  During the 1970s New York State and NYC was in a trouble - financial trouble, high crime, high unemployment, big business was leaving for greener pastures.  In an effort to save NY an integrated marketing campaign was launched to drive tourism and promote everything that NY has to offer - from the rural beauty of "upstate" to culture and excitement of "the city."

Consisting of the slogan and theme song "I love NY" (with the 'love' represented by a heart) being broadcast across TV commercials that included Broadway and political and print ads these ads successfully changed perception of NY, drove tourism and brought the State/City out of financial ruin.

This was a well thought out campaign focused on all of the positive things NY has to offer. It used visual of skiing down pristine ski slopes, the excitement of the city, the allure of Broadway and the celebrities to influence peoples' decision to visit.  Furthermore, the catchy theme song -  I love NY was difficult, if not near impossible to forget.

As a native NY'er this campaign was a pivotal point in NY history - not only helping financially but also putting pride back into the city.

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