Monday, February 25, 2013

You Can Be a Hero Too

Due to a lack of unique cause marketing cases at the ready, I Googled, Binged, etc. to find a company that was doing great cause marketing that would slip under my radar. I came across DC Entertainment, of DC Comics (Superman, Batman, etc.), and their (along with Warner Bros.) cause marketing campaign called We Can Be Heroes. DC's description of their project is as follows: "A giving campaign designed to raise awareness and funds for the hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa using the iconic Justice League characters from DC Entertainment."

It's actually pretty amazing. DC Entertainment will match all contributions at 100% and donates 50% of all WCBH merchandise. And their concept of being a hero or someone that is needed resonates, far beyond the scope of their project, really. It's very powerful. Watch this video.

They have partnered with Save the Children, MercyCorps, and the International Rescue Committee to deliver the care to the hungry in the Horn of Africa. They helped reverse the area for an official state of famine (reversed sometime in 2012) and are still helping to reverse to tide.

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