Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Snail Mail

My fiance and I recently purchased our first house together.  Our goal was to find a house that needed renovating so we could gain equity in the home when we decided to remodel.  We found the perfect home which had not been updated from the 1980's.  Our house needs a facelift to say the least.

I was astonished by the amount of "home improvement" mail that was sent to our home immediately after our loan was approved.  I've never paid attention to any snail mail advertising in the past.  It wasn't until we moved into our home to where I began to pay attention to the mail advertisements.  The timing of the home furnishing advertisements were perfect.  I believe this shows the effectiveness of a snail mail campaign when a small target audience is reached.

I've purchased a new bedroom set and coffee table from Pottery Barn as a result of the catalog that was sent to my house.  Kudos to those companies that still understand the power of an effective snail mail campaign.  It's going to be interesting to see how snail mail email campaigns evolve as mobile advertising matures.

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