Movie Previews...Some people love them, I personally don't care too much for them. But like many movie-goers this past holiday season, I was just waiting for the movie to start when one of the trailers caught my attention...

Toward the end of the trailer, you see the man running through the airport to catch the girl before she gets on her plane. She turns and starts to run toward him too when BAM! He runs right into a refrigerator and she slams into it too from the other side! What is going on?!
Then it goes promoting the appliance for Sears this holiday season. I get it now. It was an ad the whole time. Part of me was disappointed that this wasn't an actual movie, but at the same time, I had to applaud the minds behind this advertisement.
I'm sure that many women out there were caught up in this advertisement too and that's probably what made it so effective. It perfectly grabbed the attention of their target market. This commercial was funny and a different way to advertise--I actually shared it with my sister and a couple of friends. The YouTube comments seemed pretty positive with many people saying how they wished it was a real movie and that Sears "got them" with this ad. Overall, people seemed to enjoy this commercial and went online to see it again (About 5.5 million views in 3 months).
Check it out. What do you think?
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